In collaboration with Pace University of New York

Have you ever left your stove on while cooking your favourite meal? We know safe cooking can be challenging. It’s easy to overcook pasta, burn a steak or, even worse, burn down your house. Team CooKit will save your home from a house fire and, at the same time, will make cooking more enjoyable. Our smart kitchen solution will enhance the overall cooking experience by increasing interaction and enjoyment while keeping your house safe. Through smart connectivity, you can control your stove remotely with your voice or any mobile device. Clear your worries, come see the future of the cooking experience, and find out how you can save yourself from a house fire.

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1 could be better, 
5 pure awesomeness


This service is provided jointly by Aalto Design Factory, Urban Mill, Creative Life in a City! project (CLiC!) and Bonwal Oy

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